Eden is the expression of the most natural and pure state of being, your experience of your inner / intuitive wisdom and your greater authenticity in every moment. It is a place of lightness and creativity, a space without time and with infinite possibilities, where creativity manifests itself through the attunement with what is happening in the present moment. It is a life practice, a way of living in deep listening, connection, awareness and creation.

Eden Retreat
In this retreat we create a space and time where each one can get in touch with their Nature and explore, express and manifest their natural creativity.
Individual Sessions
Experiential practices that will help you manifest your creative energy in the practical matters of everyday life, from your internal wisdom, from your most natural and pure state of being.
Musical and Medicinal Journey
These journey invite each participant to access and contemplate Eden through singing, movement, words, silence and emotion.
Eden Workshop
An experiential workshop of attunement, creation and free expression that invites us to leave the “automatic” mode and create from our inner self and from what is happening in the present moment.
I am Mariana, facilitator of experiential practices, both individual and colective. I seek to regain the connection, healing and the full and authentic expression of who we are.
I use art and the knowledge of Coaching and Anthropology, but it is in the wisdom of the present moment, in the consciousness of the body, the energy, the emotions, that I find the main tools to access the EDEN.

Find your nature of BEING